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WILL Hires New Attorney, Nathalie Burmeister
WILL’s growing team is essential to defend constitutional rights, advance the rule of law, promote education choice, advocate for limited government, and fundraise towards such efforts.
WILL, IRG Sue to Obtain Public Records
WILL and the Institute for Reforming Government (IRG) demand that the Secretary of State, Sarah Godlewski, fulfill a records request that has been pending for almost six months relating to the unusual circumstances surrounding her appointment.
WILL Provides Testimony in Opposition to Burdensome Regulation of Wisconsin’s “Wedding Barn” Industry
We strongly encourage the committee to amend legislation, and not use the heavy hand of government to decimate the livelihoods of farmers around the state.
WILL Unveils Open Records Guide to Promote Transparent Government
New guide part of an ongoing effort provided to help citizens better understand and interact with government officials and hold them accountable.
WILL Secures Public Records Victory in Eau Claire School District, Vows to hold School Districts Accountable When Parents Are Ignored
WILL and its client have received a completed open records request from the Eau Claire Area School District, securing an important victory for open records and transparency.
After Backlash, Wisconsin High School Walks Back Segregated “Back-To-School Events”
Appleton East High School is now welcoming all students to a "back-to-school event” initially meant only “Freshmen Students of Color.”
WILL Releases New Healthcare Agenda to Policymakers
New report underscores 15 issues in healthcare while highlighting free-market based solutions.
Wisconsin High School to Hold Segregated “Back-To-School Events”
WILL condemns Appleton East High School’s racially segregated back-to-school events. Two back-to-school nights will be held in August, with one night being designated for only “Freshmen Students of Color” and their families.
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