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WILL Press Release | WILL attorney joins Open Government Roadshow as part of Sunshine Week

Eight-stop tour in March highlights importance and utility of open records laws March 11, 2016 – Milwaukee, WI – Advocates of open government in Wisconsin ...

WILL Press Release | Another Open Records Victory for WILL

Contact:   Tom Kamenick, Deputy Counsel and Litigation Manager 414-727-6368 | [email protected] Jefferson County Sheriff agrees to turn over ...

WILL Blog | Flanders: Responds to critics of MPS, MPCP crime study

New Report Shows Milwaukee Voucher Students Less Likely to Commit Crime Opponents of Parental Choice Program mischaracterize report, offer nothing but ...

WILL Blog | Flanders: Milwaukee Parental Choice Program and Crime

Think about this. In Wisconsin, 1 in every 8 working age African-American men are currently in prison or jail.[1] The incarceration rate for ...

National Review | Loyola: Beware Feds Bearing Gifts

WILL Senior Fellow Mario Loyola writing in National Review: "Critics of Wisconsin governor Scott Walker are mystified that the state is suing the federal ...

WILL Press Release | WILL Addresses Concerns Raised by Opponents of State Regulatory Reform

Legislative Council memo is flawed; REINS Act is constitutional March 3, 2016 – Milwaukee, WI – The Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty released a ...

WILL Blog | Szafir: Failing MPS schools get no help from Demond Means, Chris Abele

Last July, the state legislature passed a law that created the Opportunity Schools and Partnership Program (OSPP).  This is, in theory, a bold reform that ...

La Crosse Tribune | Hudson: Voucher schools deserve support

WILL's Lead Education Analyst, Lexi Hudson, writing in the La Crosse Tribune, explores how transformative it would be for K-12 education if entrepreneurs ...