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Letter to Lawmakers: Adopt Free Market Solutions to Address COVID Crisis

Members of the Legislature, The unprecedented COVID crisis has devastated Wisconsin families, businesses, and schools. The coming weeks will be deeply ...

Governor Confirms Drive-Up Religious Services Are Legal

Prompt response to WILL's letter seeking clarity The News: Following a letter from the Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty (WILL) and attorney ...

Letter to Governor Evers: Demand Counties Retract Claim That Drive-Up Religious Services are Illegal

WILL and attorney Michael Dean issued a letter to Governor Tony Evers requesting that he clarify, correct, and restrain local government officials who are using Emergency Order #12, the “Safer at Home” order, to ban drive-up religious services conducted in accordance with social distancing guidelines.

Rick Esenberg on Supreme Court Election Decision

WILL President and General Counsel Rick Esenberg reacted to a Wisconsin Supreme Court decision to enjoin an executive order issued by Governor Tony Evers ...

ANALYSIS: The CARES Act and K-12 in Wisconsin

WILL leads coalition of 38 state and national groups advocating for private schools The News: The Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty (WILL) filed an amicus brief Wednesday in Michigan v. DeVos, a critical legal dispute in federal court between a […]

WILL Demand Letter: Sheriff, School Administrator Used COVID Crisis to Violate First Amendment

Marquette County Sheriff threatened teen with arrest over Instagram post The News: The Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty (WILL) issued letters to ...

Free Market Coalition: Continue to Cut Red Tape to Fight Pandemic

After Governor Tony Evers issued an executive order to cut red tape on medical licensing, the Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty (WILL), the Badger ...

Liberty vs Safety: Pandemic Response Raises Tough Legal Questions

In light of the coronavirus pandemic and the unprecedented steps taken by state and local officials, WILL President and General Counsel Rick Esenberg ...