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WILL Secures Major 2nd Amendment Victory for Millions of Firearm Owners Nationwide
This is the first injunction that applies to all Americans, not just the plaintiffs in pending cases!
WILL Testified in Support of Parental Rights Legislation
WILL testified at an Assembly Committee on Family Law hearing in support of AB 510, otherwise known as the Parental Rights Bill.
WI Patients Stand to Benefit Most from Healthcare Price Transparency
Healthcare costs have continued to rise and become a top concern, putting a strain on individuals and families. This analysis reaffirms the positive impact that greater price transparency can have on the lives of all Americans, and Wisconsinites especially.
Putting Trust and Integrity Back in Wisconsin Elections
Newly Proposed Monday Count Bill Is A Step In Right Direction
Clarke v. WEC
Overturning the current maps would be unprecedented, and would deny voters their rightful representation. WILL’s intervention will allow WI voters to defend their interests.
MAMCO, Bagshaw Trucking Inc. vs. U.S. DOT Et Al.
WILL filed a federal lawsuit against the Biden Administration’s “disadvantaged business enterprise” (DBE) program, alleging illegal discrimination. The federal DBE program is the largest, and perhaps oldest, affirmative action program in U.S. history. It is administered by the U.S. Department of Transportation.
WILL Opens New Front in Anti-Discrimination Battle
WILL filed a federal lawsuit against the Biden Administration’s “disadvantaged business enterprise” (DBE) program, alleging illegal discrimination. The federal DBE program is the largest, and perhaps oldest, affirmative action program in U.S. history. It is administered by the U.S. Department of Transportation.
Media Misses the Mark on Latest SAT Numbers
This week, new SAT rankings were released, placing Wisconsin at the top in the nation. This “news” was used by public school advocates as evidence that Wisconsin’s public schools are still doing a great job, despite the efforts of evil conservatives to undermine them. But is this truly the case?
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