WILL launched new resources to help parents like Devon fight for their child’s education and safety at school. sign up below to receive these new resources.
Sign up to receive parent resources to protect the rights of all students
By empowering and engaging parents and communities around the country, we can create meaningful and impactful change in education. WILL has created a one-stop-shop of both original resources and highlights from partners around the country that seek to assist parents and inform them of their rights.
Parent Resources
Trust the Science? The Use of Outdated Reading Curricula in Wisconsin Schools
WILL’s policy brief and parent resource explores the correlation between the use of “Whole Language” lesson plans and lower reading proficiency, controlling for other factors.
In addition to the newly released report, WILL has updated its School Scorecard Dashboard to include school district reading curricula. We believe that giving accurate, easy-to-access information about our school districts is critical to the future of education in Wisconsin.
TrevorSpace Letter Template
This letter, created by WILL, is a tool for parents. Parents can submit their concerns through this letter to school districts about an online forum called “TrevorSpace.”
While the website is designed to be “an affirming international community for LGBTQ young people ages 13–24,” TrevorSpace is a chat room-style forum that allows adults and children to connect to discuss intimate topics including sexuality, gender transitioning, and how to keep information secret from parents.
Wisconsin law provides parents with the statutory right to opt out of instruction relating to human growth and development. This form, created by WILL, is a model for Wisconsin parents to submit to their schools to help them navigate the opt out process for their child.
Wisconsin School Scorecard
WILL developed and released a new School Data Dashboard. This comprehensive, interactive tool provides a snapshot of student proficiency, district funding, and district-related information for every school district in the state. All of the key data comes from the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction – we just made it user-friendly.
Parental Rights Notification Request - Race Instruction
Much of public school curricula is focused on discussing issues and topics through race-based lens. WILL fights against these policies by advocating that the law and public policy should be colorblind, by not treating individuals differently based on their race. Many families feel similarly. WILL created this parental request form for parents who want to be notified when these topics are discussed in their child’s classroom. This model opt out form is designed for all parents, regardless of their location.
The True Corrective
An organization “committed to helping parents provide their children with the education they need and deserve, but are being denied.” A fantasic partner for parents who want to homeschool their childeren.
American Federation for Children
Learn about school choice options by legislative district
The Conservative Classroom Podcast https://www.theconservativeclassroom.com
The Conservative Classroom is a podcast for conservative educators, parents, and patriots who believe in free speech, traditional values, and education without indoctrination. Each episode offers common sense ideas to improve education in our classrooms and communities.
Ballotpedia Candidate Surveys
Use this form to submit information, for Ballotpedia’s readers to learn more about your candidacy
Engage to Win
Melanie Sturm, founder of Engage to Win, offers remote and in-person trainings for candidates, elected officials, policy advocates, students, and movement leaders. Melanie teaches how to inspire an audience – even skeptics – to follow your lead, not based on what you say, but on what your audience hears you say. She also specializes in crafting customized, issue-focused persuasive messaging.
Foundation Against Intolerance and Racism (FAIR)
Learn more about FAIR chapters, toolkit on preventing CRT in your school and other resources
Goldwater Institute
Citizen’s Guide to Open Records Requests
Learn more about academic transparency
Heritage Foundation’s Education Freedom Report Card
Learn about the overall ranking of school choice, transparency, regulatory freedom, and spending in each state
Moms for Liberty
Learn more about Moms for Liberty chapters and events
Noah Webster Educational Foundation
Learn more about Noah Webster Educational Foundation stories, documentaries, best practices and core principals, and proactive engagement
No Left in Education
Learn more about No Left Turn in Education chapters, indoctrination examples by state and additional resources
Parents Defending Education
Indoctrination Map
Parental Request for Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Lessons
Resources to empower, expose and engage with local school districts
Southeastern Legal
A parent’s guide to saving America’s public schools
Wisconsin Education Options
Early College Credit Program permits high school students to submit reimbursement for classes taken at an institution of higher education for high school or college credit.
Home-based Private Education provides Wisconsin parents with the option of customizing their child’s education outside of the traditional school environment.
Public Charter Schools are public K-12 schools serving students across the state that have more autonomy and innovation than traditional public schools. This includes virtual schools.
Parental Choice Programs are state-funded vouchers for eligible students to attend a private school of their choice.
Part-time Public School Open Enrollment is a program that permits Wisconsin public school students to take up to 2 courses at another school district that is not their assigned, residential school district.
Public School Open Enrollment is an educational option that permits Wisconsin residents to attend a traditional public school district that is not their assigned, residential school district.