The Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty released its “2024 Wisconsin Freedom Audit”, an extensive review of where the state ranks in various measurements of freedom, including fiscal freedoms, regulatory freedoms, and individual freedoms.
The Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty released a new report assessing the profound impact of technological advancements and social media on human interaction, social dynamics, and relationships during the 20th and 21st centuries.
WILL released a new report assessing the impact declining levels of social capital (the collection of interpersonal relationships that unite a heterogeneous society) has on Wisconsin communities.
Policy report shows local government strangling home-based businesses with red tape, hurting economic growth, and infringing on freedom.
As the cost of an average home in Wisconsin continues to rise to $240,000, the federal eviction moratorium is responsible for more than $3,000 of the increase, and the mortgage forbearance program is responsible for as much as $11,000.
90% of WI contractors in survey report law raises costs, repeal would spur more bids The News: A new study from the Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty (WILL) finds clear evidence the federal…
Our Policy Reports on Free Markets
As the cost of an average home in Wisconsin continues to rise to $240,000, the federal eviction moratorium is responsible for more than $3,000 of the increase, and the mortgage forbearance program is responsible for as much as $11,000.
90% of WI contractors in survey report law raises costs, repeal would spur more bids The News: A new study from the Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty (WILL) finds clear evidence the federal…
Original Act 10 research examines effect of annual certification election results The News: A first of its kind, five-year analysis finds that Act 10 is still working to shrink the number of …
The Cost to School Districts due to Wisconsin’s Prevailing Wage Law Introduction School districts have decried Governor Walker’s proposed reductions in anticipated state aid. While it now appears …
Law doesn’t provide the protections or the benefits to consumers that its supporters claim May 18, 2017 – Milwaukee, WI – The Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty released a new …
Occupational Licensing
Primer analyzes proposed policies and makes recommendations for Wisconsin The Badger Institute and the Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty (WILL) released a joint publication, “Occupational Licensing in Wisconsin: A Roadmap for Reform,” that calls on the Wisconsin Legislature to adopt specific occupational licensing reforms, ...
Free-market groups partner to make the case for reform The News: The Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty (WILL) partnered with the Badger Institute to publish A Primer on Occupational Licensing. The organizations teamed up to make the case for reform in Wisconsin by highlighting the costs and consequences of occupational licensing in ...
An editorial from the Racine Journal Times this weekend writes about our fight with State Representative Jonathan Brostoff over his refusal to provide electronic copies of records we had requested: Wisconsin added another chapter to its litigious history of skirmishes with lawmakers over releasing copies of public records under the state ...
January 10, 2018 - Milwaukee, WI - The Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty issued a new study examining the effect of licensing regulations on worker safety in two widely-licensed professions. The analysis, using publicly available data from United States Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), found no significant relationship between ...
But the legislature still must act on other bills November 27, 2017 - Milwaukee, WI - The Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty applauds the passage and enactment of SB 108 and SB 109, two occupational licensing reform bills that will serve to ease the regulatory burdens on Wisconsin workers. SB 108 and 109 specifically reform ...
WILL's 50 state study on occupational licensing receives national coverage November 10, 2017 - Milwaukee, WI - WILL’s recent report, Land of the Free? 50 state study on how professional licensing laws lead to fewer jobs, examines the relationship between employment and license requirements in ten professions. Last week, WILL ...