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Independent Study: Wisconsin Hospital Prices Out of Control

In May, RAND released the fifth iteration of their hospital price study which ranked Wisconsin as having the 5th highest hospital prices, and the most expensive professional fees in the nation. WILL examines the report and refutes the Wisconsin Hospital Association's response to it.

Door County Judge Grants Temporary Relief to Short Term Rental Owners in Sister Bay

A Door County judge has sided with the Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty and Attorney Bjorn Johnson and issued a temporary injunction against the Village of Sister Bay. The injunction will allow Captains Cottage LLC to resume short-term rentals while the Village considers their appeal.

Amid Financial Scandals, MPS to Delay Carmen Charter Eviction

The Milwaukee Public School Board indicated that they will delay their plans to evict two Carmen Charter Schools campuses from their buildings until October 2024. The Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty and other education advocates have previously stated that evicting the charter school would be bad for students and Milwaukee taxpayers alike.

WILL Prepares Legal Challenge Against Wisconsin School District for Financial Mismanagement

The Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty has prepared a legal action against the Marinette School District for unlawfully wasting taxpayer dollars on an unused, vacant school building that is no longer operational.

White v. Village of Sister Bay

WILL and Attorney Bjorn Johnson have filed a lawsuit against the Village of Sister Bay on behalf of their clients Captains Cottage LLC, a short-term rental in the Village for unlawfully refusing to issue Captains Cottage a permit to rent the property.

Door County Village Cutting Short Term Renting Options Ahead of the Summer

The Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty and Attorney Bjorn Johnson have filed a lawsuitagainst the Village of Sister Bay on behalf of their clients Captains Cottage LLC for unlawfully refusing to issue Captains Cottage a permit to rent the property.

POLICY REPORT: WILL Examines How Technological Advancements & Social Media Undermine Interpersonal Relationships

The Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty released a new report assessing the profound impact of technological advancements and social media on human interaction, social dynamics, and relationships during the 20th and 21st centuries.

Beloit School District Sponsors Illegal & Discriminatory Scholarships, Solicits Employees for Funding

Today, the Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty (WILL) warned the School District of Beloit that it must cease all discriminatory programs.