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WILL to Cedarburg School District: State Can’t Force Adoption of Critical Race Theory Concepts in Curriculum
WILL sued a letter to the Cedarburg School District making clear that the district is not legally required to adopt Critical Race Theory concepts in their curriculum, nor can the Wisconsin Department of Instruction (DPI) legally mandate the school district to adopt Critical Race Theory concepts.
To Address Licensing Backlog State Must Improve Transparency and Accountability
Licensing backlogs holding back critical sectors of Wisconsin workforce.
The News: A new policy brief from the Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty ...
Governor Evers Removes Racial Classifications from Homeowner Grants After WILL Letter
The final plan for a federally-funded housing assistance program, administered and designed by Governor Tony Evers’ administration, removed illegal racial classifications and eligibility categories identified in a January letter from WILL attorneys.
WILL Adds Associate Counsel Cory Brewer
WILL to expand legal services for K-12 education reform
The News: The Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty (WILL) added Cory Brewer, Associate ...
Record Gas Prices Highlight the Need to Repeal Minimum Markup
Will Flanders
Recently, Governor Evers was among six Democratic Governors who asked the federal government to pause the federal gas tax in light of ...
WILL Warns Elmbrook Schools That Nondiscrimination Laws Apply to All Students
Elmbrook administrator indicated a white student is not protected by state and federal nondiscrimination law
The News: Attorneys at the Wisconsin ...
The Parent Bill of Rights Would Help This Mom Protect Her Daughter
By: Cori Petersen
“Once she uttered the words ‘maybe I’m a boy’ that’s all they saw. She was no longer a young girl with mental health issues, she was now ...
WILL to Argue Limits to Dane County Health Officer’s Authority at WI Supreme Court
Dane County health officer’s actions violate nondelegation doctrine
The News: Luke Berg, Deputy Counsel at the Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty ...
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