In May, RAND released the fifth iteration of their hospital price study which ranked Wisconsin as having the 5th highest hospital prices, and the most expensive professional fees in the nation. WILL examines the report and refutes the Wisconsin Hospital Association's response to it.
May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and it is more important than ever to ensure that people have access to the resources and support they need. A recent report by WILL highlights how social capital, the network and relationships people have, has been declining for decades and made worse by the pandemic.
WILL responds to Vice President Kamala Harris touting new federal staffing requirements for federally-funded nursing homes. But while the Biden Administration has identified a very real problem, their preferred solution is likely to only make things worse for families struggling to find affordable facilities for seniors.
The Biden Administration finalized a rule on March 28th that will force hundreds of thousands of Americans to lose their healthcare coverage, leaving them uninsured until they can enroll in an Obamacare plan that is more than double the cost.
As Wisconsin considers ways to address its healthcare disparities, recognizing and supporting a Farm Bureau Health Plan could be a crucial step towards a healthier future for all residents.
Addressing dental care access disparities in Wisconsin requires innovative solutions, and dental therapy is one of them.