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Unions filed another Act 10 lawsuit in 2019, arguing that the law was unconstitutional because unions have a constitutional right to collectively bargain. We intervened on behalf of a teacher who objects to being forced to pay union dues to defend the law.
If you rent your space out and your guests bring their own alcohol to drink, should you have to get a liquor license? We don’t think so, and interpreting the law that way puts wedding barns and similar venues at risk, so we sued to get the question cleared up.
To create a TIF district, a city must show that it will spur development that otherwise wouldn’t occur – that new development wouldn’t exist “but for” the creation of the TIF district. Eau Claire claimed that an already-finished building somehow wouldn’t be built without a new TIF district, and we sued to stop that abuse.
Unions filed another Act 10 lawsuit in 2019, arguing that the law was unconstitutional because unions have a constitutional right to collectively bargain. We intervened on behalf of a teacher who objects to being forced to pay union dues to defend the law.
The City of Lake Geneva promulgated an ordinance that allows the city to search the homes of residents who occasionally rent their home for periods of less than 29 days at virtually any time without a warrant or, alternatively, to fine them if they refuse to consent to a warrantless search. These requirements violate the Fourth Amendment rights of Lake Geneva residents, including the Plaintiffs. We filed this suit to vindicate those rights.
Statement on Kiel Threats
We live in a society where we resolve our differences by public debate and the rule of law. We do not resolve them by violence or threats of violence. The ...
Apples to Apples 2022: A Definitive Look at Wisconsin School Performance
Fourth edition of Apples to Apples report again finds school choice performance advantage
The News: The Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty (WILL) ...
State Threatens School Counselor’s License After She Denounced Gender Ideology at Public Rally
WILL issued letter to DPI warning their actions to revoke license violate First Amendment
The News: Attorneys at the Wisconsin Institute for Law & ...
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