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After Backlash, Wisconsin High School Walks Back Segregated “Back-To-School Events”
Appleton East High School is now welcoming all students to a "back-to-school event” initially meant only “Freshmen Students of Color.”
WILL Releases New Healthcare Agenda to Policymakers
New report underscores 15 issues in healthcare while highlighting free-market based solutions.
Wisconsin High School to Hold Segregated “Back-To-School Events”
WILL condemns Appleton East High School’s racially segregated back-to-school events. Two back-to-school nights will be held in August, with one night being designated for only “Freshmen Students of Color” and their families.
Madison School District Pays Punitive Damages and Commits to Significant Public Records Reform
District also Disavows Racially Discriminatory Policy to “Prioritize your African American Students”
Coalition of Free Market Groups Urge Lawmakers to Oppose “Wedding Barn” Legislation
A coalition of free market groups have issued a new memo to lawmakers highlighting problems with certain provisions in AB 304/SB 332, particularly as the bill relates to the regulation of Wisconsin’s “wedding barn” industry.
City of Madison Defies U.S. Supreme Court Ruling
WILL Challenges New Racially Discriminatory Business Program
WILL & Buchman v. ECASD
A local parent, along with the Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty (WILL), have filed a complaint with a judge in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, after the school refused to provide a copy of a statement that the district acknowledges was read aloud to students in several classrooms.
WILL and Parent Sue to Obtain Document Withheld by School District
Statement Read Aloud to Students in Several Classrooms Concealed from Parents by Eau Claire Area School District
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