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Breaking the Chain: Decoupling School Choice Funding in Wisconsin

School choice in Wisconsin is undergoing some exciting changes. With the passage of increased funding for the state’s voucher programs, participating schools will be on firmer financial footing going forward. In this policy brief, we explore how private schools in the choice program are currently funded, and why decoupling would be an important improvement.

WILL Statement Following Gov. Evers Signing School Choice Legislation

The Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty (WILL) released the following statement praising Governor Evers’ signing Senate Bill 330.  Rick Esenberg, ...

Wisconsin Lutheran Wins Summary Judgment Against City of Milwaukee for Unlawful Property Tax Assessment

Milwaukee County Circuit Court Judge David Borowski granted Wisconsin Lutheran High School (WLHS) summary judgment in an oral ruling on February 2, 2023, ordering a full refund of the 2021 tax assessment plus interest. Following that ruling, the school and the City entered into a settlement agreement refunding the school’s 2022 tax payment and providing for the property’s continued exemption so long as it continues to be used for educational purposes.

WILL Files Federal Complaint Against WI School District, Demanding Action Following Troubling Locker Room Incident

WILL demands a civil-rights investigation to enforce federal rights and confront the reality of dangerous policies, like the one in Sun Prairie, ...

WILL Praises Bipartisan Action in Support of School Choice and Education Empowerment

Legislative Action Helps Fulfill Critical Mission for closing the funding gap between choice schools and public schools in Wisconsin The News: The ...

WILL & School Choice Wisconsin Debunk Unfounded Claims Against School Choice Programs

New data shows zero negative impact on public school performance from longstanding Wisconsin School Choice programs The News: The Wisconsin Institute for ...

WILL Praises “Substantial Victory” for Parental Choice in Wisconsin

The Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty (WILL) just released the following statement in following an announced agreement between GOP Legislative ...

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WILL President and General Counsel Rick Esenberg Joins RightWisconsin’s Week in Review

Rick Esenberg joined WTMJ AM620's Charlie Sykes and RightWisconsin's Collin Roth to discuss the Week in Review. You can listen to it here.  

Janesville Gazette | Research Shows Vouchers Do Benefit Students

WILL Economist Marty Lueken and Dr. James V. Shuls appear in the Janesville Gazette explaining that research shows that school vouchers do, indeed, ...

WILL’s Rick Esenberg: “Schools are not underfunded…”

WILL President Rick Esenberg blogging at Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel | Schools are not underfunded and they sold their local control "Here is a fact that ...

WILL’s Rick Esenberg joins Joy Cardin on WPR’s Week in Review

Opposite Wisconsin Democracy Campaign's Matt Rothschild, Rick Esenberg joined Joy Cardin on Wisconsin Public Radio to discuss the Week in Review. You can ...

WILL’s Rick Esenberg Participates in Attorney General’s Symposium on Open Government

Marshfield News-Herald | Wisconsin Openness Laws Evolve from Wood, Candle Days Attorney Brad Schimel: "'Messing with open government laws is like ...

WILL President and General Counsel Rick Esenberg Discusses John Doe with Steve Walters on WisconsinEye

Mike Wittenwyler administrative and regulatory attorney at Godfrey & Kahn, S.C., and the lead attorney in the firm's Political Law Group; Donald ...

Wisconsin State Journal | Advocates: Open records law can adapt to changing technology without overhaul

Wisconsin State Journal | Advocates: Open Records Law Can Adapt to Changing Technology Without Overhaul More coverage of WILL's efforts on Open ...

WILL Associate Counsel Tom Kamenick Joins Jerry Bader to Discuss Green Bay’s Disregard for the 4th Amendment

WILL Associate Counsel Tom Kamenick joins Jerry Bader on air on WTAQ to discuss the City of Green Bay's destruction of a garden and it's disregard for ...

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