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WILL’s Latest Press Releases

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Will Releases Statement on Redistricting Ruling

The Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty (WILL) has released a statement condemning a new ruling from the Supreme Court of Wisconsin in favor of a lawsuit seeking to change Wisconsin’s Legislative Districts. WILL sees this lawsuit as an attempt to relitigate issues resolved just a year and a half ago – utilizing a new ‘left of center’ majority on the state’s highest Court.


The Unfair Sales Act was enacted in 1939, during the Great Depression, to prevent unfair business practices and protect consumers. Today this antiquated law has been proven to have no impact on the success of small businesses and hurts consumers by artificially increasing prices and decreasing competition.

WILL Files Lawsuit Against Discriminatory “DEI” State Bar Practices

Harvard Decision has created new opportunities to challenge Wisconsin State Bar practices in violation of the Fourteenth & First Amendments.

WILL and MSLF Secure Legal Victory for Student Group at UW-La Crosse

WILL and the Mountain States Legal Foundation (MSLF) secured a legal victory for a conservative group, Young America’s Foundation (YAF), a student organization that was denied student-organization status by University of Wisconsin-La Crosse.

WILL Challenges DEI Mandates at University of Wisconsin Campus

UW-La Crosse forces students to accept divisive Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion ideology in clear violation of the First Amendment.

WILL Releases Statement on Second UW Regent Vote to Reduce Discriminatory “DEI” Programs

WILL released a statement following the UW Regents vote to approve new parameters for DEI programs following a potential compromise proposed by Speaker Robin Vos and Assembly Republicans.

WILL Statement on Wisconsin Supreme Court’s School Choice Decision

This fight is very far from over, and WILL stands ready to defend these critical school choice programs for WI students and families alike.

The DNR Regulates Your Christmas Trees

Out of the thin, frosty air, the DNR is now saying Christmas trees can no longer go in the state’s landfills, WILL is seeking more answers.

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Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel | Borsuk: Study rouses (but doesn’t settle) school sector debate

Alan Borsuk at the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel takes a critical, yet fair, look at our most recent report on the economic benefit of school choice to ...

Wall Street Journal | School Choice Saves Money

A study from Wisconsin adds up some of the economic evidence. The Wall Street Journal profiled our most recent study that looked at the $500 million ...

The Hill | Esenberg: Stein’s recount effort in Wisconsin is irresponsible and unwarranted

WILL President and General Counsel Rick Esenberg writes in The Hill: "While Wisconsin law may need to be tightened, this appears to be an abuse of the ...

Wisconsin Interest | Esenberg: There was a time when conservatives cared about freedom

WILL President and General Counsel Rick Esenberg writing in the Wisconsin Interest: "So I am not persuaded that the Trump movement is a misguided and ...

Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel | Military-style voucher school denied vacant building

The City of Milwaukee's Board of Zoning Appeals has denied a permit for Right Step to purchase a vacant MPS school. Right Step is a military style program ...

Fox6 Milwaukee | Rick Esenberg on Judge Randa’s passing

La Crosse Tribune | Company suing to overturn Unfair Sales Act has history of violations

WILL attorneys have been hard at work this week after announcing they will be challenging Wisconsin's minimum markup law in court. The depression era law ...

Biz Times | Group challenges Wisconsin’s minimum markup law

Molly Dill, managing editor at BizTimes Milwaukee, recently wrote an article on WILL's fight against the minimum markup law, "Group challenges Wisconsin’s ...

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