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WILL’s Latest Press Releases

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WILL Sues Wisconsin Department of Revenue on behalf of Wisconsin Small Businesses

WILL has filed a lawsuit against the Wisconsin Department of Revenue (DOR) on behalf of two Wisconsin Wedding Barns. The lawsuit is seeking to mitigate the harmful impacts of Wisconsin Act 73, which became law in late 2023 and fully takes effect in 2026.

Policy Report: WILL Examines How Declining Social Capital is the Root Cause to Many Societal Problems

WILL released a new report assessing the impact declining levels of social capital (the collection of interpersonal relationships that unite a heterogeneous society) has on Wisconsin communities.

WILL Opposes Federal Cuts to CSP

WILL opposes federal cuts to the Charter Schools Program (CSP) and is asking our federal congressional delegation to oppose Biden's effort to defund choice and freedom in education.

WILL Files Federal Discrimination Complaint Against University in the Wake of Nationwide Pro-Hamas Protests

WILL has filed a federal Title VI complaint against Northwestern University on behalf of the Young America’s Foundation, which has an active chapter on the University’s campus. The complaint documents the University’s plan to offer nearly $1.9 million in scholarship funds, faculty positions, and student-organization space to Palestinian students and staff.

Biden Administration Ordered to Pay WILL’s Attorney Fees Following MBDA Win

Rare win highlights the significant costs required to challenge unconstitutional government programs  The News: The Wisconsin Institute for Law & ...

WILL Opposes New Effort from Planned Parenthood to Make Abortion a “Constitutional Right” in Wisconsin

4.25.24 The News: The Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty (WILL) has filed a response to a case brought by Planned Parenthood seeking ...

Race Discrimination Discovered at American Bar Association

WILL is warning the American Bar Association (ABA) to review its race-based Judicial Clerkship Program and Internship Opportunity Program. WILL told the ABA in a letter that these programs violate multiple federal, state, and local civil rights laws, and harm innumerable students around the country. Unless the ABA opens their programs to all races and stops using race as a factor, WILL is planning appropriate legal action.

April Healthcare Highlight: While Nursing Homes Struggle to Meet Need, New Biden Rules Will Make Things Even Harder

WILL responds to Vice President Kamala Harris touting new federal staffing requirements for federally-funded nursing homes.  But while the Biden Administration has identified a very real problem, their preferred solution is likely to only make things worse for families struggling to find affordable facilities for seniors. 

In the news 

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New York Post | Economist: Scott Walker’s Reforms Worked

A recent report by WILL should provide relief to Wisconsin parents and critics of Act 10, the study shows that the law had little to no effect on teacher ...

Washington Examiner | Scott Walker’s union reforms didn’t harm Wisconsin schools

WILL has conducted the most comprehensive analysis to date of Act 10’s effect on teachers’ salary and benefits and the effect on classroom sizes. The ...

Wisconsin State Journal | DOJ won’t represent state education agency in lawsuit, but Scott Walker blocking use of outside counsel

"St. Augustine School in Hartford and parents of students who attend the school are suing DPI and the Freiss Lake School District. The parents, who are ...

The College Fix | Conservative professor worries academic freedom will be hurt if he settles free-speech lawsuit

The College Fix writes about Marquette's Professor John McAdams: "He has been a faculty member at Marquette for more than two decades, and he takes pride ...

RightWisconsin | Roth: How well is Paul Ryan Handling Donald Trump

WILL's Research Fellow Collin Roth on Speaker of the House and fellow Wisconsinite, Paul Ryan: "Paul Ryan is stuck. He is passionate about his brand of ...

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel | Flanders: Schools with the most autonomy do best for students

WILL Education Policy Director, Dr. Will Flanders, writes in today's Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel: "So what does this research mean? Given that independent ...

Wisconsin Law Journal | Open-Record Case a Mixed Blessing for Transparency

Will's very own deputy counsel and litigation manager, Thomas Kamenick, wrote an article for the Wisconsin Law Journal on Wisconsin law enforcement ...

The Heartland Institute | Wisconsin Judge Declares State’s Right-to-Work Law Unconstitutional

Wisconsin, Dane County Court Judge William Foust has ruled that the state right-to-work law violates labor union’s legal entitlement to money earned by ...

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