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WILL Press Release | WILL’s Rick Esenberg Submits Testimony on Bill to Reform Judicial Deference

SB 745 would restore legislative power, curtail the administrative state, and preserve separation of powers   February 6, 2018 – Milwaukee, WI – ...

WILL Press Release | WILL Submits Public Comment to EPA

Expansion of "No-Growth" Zones could cripple Wisconsin   February 5, 2018 - Milwaukee, WI - Today WILL has submitted a public comment to the U.S. ...

WILL Press Release | WILL Submits Testimony on School Funding Reform

Funding should be transparent, simpler, and fairer   February 2, 2018 - Milwaukee, WI - Today WILL policy staff submitted testimony to the Wisconsin ...

WILL Press Release | Isthmus and WILL Join Forces to Sue Madison Police Department

Department has sat on records request for over 13 months   February 1, 2018 - Madison, WI – On behalf of Isthmus — an independent Madison newspaper ...

WILL Press Release | ICYMI: WILL and Americans for Tax Reform in Wall Street Journal Calling for Repeal of Wisconsin’s outdated Unfair Sales Act

Piece reviews how current 9.18% mandatory markup law harms Wisconsin consumers, makes scofflaws of retailers like Krist Oil who want to offer competitive ...

WILL Press Release | WILL Study: Obama-era Education Department Policy Hurts Wisconsin Students

The Department of Education’s one-size-fits-all softer suspension policies are negatively impacting students January 23, 2018 – Milwaukee, WI – Today the Wisconsin […]

WILL Press Release | Wisconsin Supreme Court Agrees to Hear McAdams v. Marquette

WILL, McAdams had petitioned for the state Supreme Court to take case because of its effect on all colleges, universities in state   January 22, ...

WILL Press Release | WILL Celebrates National School Choice Week

Releases one pager summarizing successes of public charter and private choice schools   January 22, 2018 - Milwaukee, WI - Today starts National ...

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