WILL President and General Counsel Rick Esenberg writes in The Hill:
“While Wisconsin law may need to be tightened, this appears to be an abuse of the recount process. Stein’s petition arguably falls short of the jurisdictional requirements for a recount petition and it certainly does not serve the purpose of the recount statute, i.e., to address some actual concern that election results are wrong and not to make some theoretical point about the generalized possibility that something “could” happen. What Stein wants is not a recount, but an audit- something that Wisconsin actually does on a regular basis.
Although Stein will be forced to bear the cost of the recount (indeed, it is likely that her effort is nothing more than a fundraising gambit for the Green Party), this form of abuse is not without its costs. State officials will be forced to work around the clock — ignoring work that they would otherwise do — because presidential elections come with a deadline.
Wisconsin must resolve any election “disputes” (even contrived ones) by December 13 so that it’s results will be deemed conclusive under federal law. The presidential electors will meet on December 18.
Wisconsin officials claim that they will complete the recount in time. They had better. If it appears they will not, they can count on litigation to halt the recount and ensure that Wisconsin voters will not be disenfranchised.”