Feb 11, 2022 | Education in WI, Education Reform, Education Reform, K-12, Law, WILL News
Yesterday, State Representative Lee Snodgrass created a firestorm with her Tweet, “If parents who want to have a say in their child’s education should home school or pay for private school out of their family budget.” She posted this while the Assembly Committee on...
Jan 28, 2022 | Education Reform, Education Reform, K-12, Law, WILL News
By: Will Flanders, Research Director As we come to the close of National School Choice Week, there are many things worthy of celebration. Across the nation, more students than ever before have the ability to access the school that works best for them and their...
May 17, 2021 | General, WILL News
Will Flanders, Research Director As the United States comes out of the COVID-19 pandemic, some of the policies put in place at its height are no longer useful for economic recovery. Among these policies is the additional $300 being paid to unemployed workers that...