An estimated 14% of students in Wisconsin school choice programs have a special needs disability, according to a new analysis conducted by the Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty (WILL) and School Choice Wisconsin (SCW).
The News: The Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty (WILL) released the following statement, after the Department of Public Instruction (DPI) released new report card data. WILL believes the legislature should rein in DPI’s ability to change accountability standards in education.
The ...
Noah Diekemper
This week, Wisconsin’s Department of Public Instruction (DPI) unveiled yet another change to how “proficiency” is measured on the state’s Forward exams. This change, not the first in recent years, makes it difficult to tell whether school districts are doing good work and ...
Today, Wisconsin’s DPI released the 2023-24 Forward Exam scores for schools across Wisconsin. In the past, WILL has referred to these scores–and the report card built from them–as creating a “Lake Wobegone” effect where everyone is above average.
On July 30th and 31st, the Wisconsin Public Education Network (WPEN) will hold its annual conference in Madison. While the name of the Network sounds harmless, it belies an organization with a far-left agenda that is contrary to what most parents in the state want for their kids. The ...
Lost amongst the news of the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, theWisconsin Department of Public Instruction released data on school districtspending and enrollment around Wisconsin.