The Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty has urged the Wisconsin Supreme Court to find that Wisconsin law lacks a constitutionally adequate definition of coordination. According to WILL President and General Counsel Rick Esenberg, state law lacks a sufficiently clear and narrow definition of both the conduct that constitutes coordination and the scope of communications that might be regarded to be coordinated. “In the absence of a very clear and precise definition – one that you can understand without a lawyer – the law will unconstitutionally discourage, if it does not actually punish, protected speech and association,” Esenberg said.
WILL filed its proposed amicus brief in a series of consolidated cases arising from the John Doe investigation. The brief is proposed on behalf of the Hon. Bradley A. Smith, the Center for Competitive Politics, and Wisconsin Family Action. Professor Smith is a former chair of the Federal Elections Commission and one of the nation’s leading academic experts on election law. CCP is the nation’s largest organization dedicated solely to protecting First Amendment political rights. Professor Smith is the Chair of CCP. WFA is a 501(c)(4) social welfare organization, engaged in education, grassroots organization, and advocacy on issues of importance to traditional families.