Effort to Bring Accountability to Problematic Spending Practices by Wisconsin Governors
The News: The Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty (WILL) and IRG Action Fund have launched a six-figure, public awareness campaign urging voters to approve two constitutional amendments on the ballot during the August 13th primary election. Both organizations believe that these proposed amendments aim to preserve the constitutional checks and balances that vest spending authority with the Wisconsin legislature and prevent any governor from acting outside of their authority with taxpayer money.
The Quotes: WILL Policy Director, Kyle Koenen, stated, “Unlike most states, Wisconsin’s governor can spend billions of dollars of federal funds without any approval from the legislature—the branch of government that has the power of the purse. WILL and IRG Action are partnering to preserve this fundamental check on the governor’s power and ensure that spending decisions are made by the representatives closest to the people.”
“Kids learn in school that the legislative branch has the power of the purse, but that’s not happening today when the governor spends federal dollars,” IRG Action Fund Executive Vice President, Chris Reader, said. “These amendments make certain that the legislative branch maintains that long-standing power and has oversight over how billions of tax dollars are being spent. With that oversight, the system is prime for special interests and the politically connected to influence spending decisions.”
Additional Background: Under current Wisconsin law, Wisconsin governors have the sole authority to accept and distribute federal funding. With this power, Governor Evers has single-handedly spent billions of dollars, including nearly $5 billion during COVID-19, without any approval from state lawmakers.
On August 13th, voters will weigh in on two questions to amend the Wisconsin Constitution to bring more accountability over federal tax dollars flowing to the state. These amendments would help restore the power of spending back to the legislature and ensure the governor must receive approval before spending federal funds.
The amendment questions are as follows:
- Question 1: Shall Section 35 (1) of article IV of the Wisconsin constitution be created to provide that the legislature may not delegate its sole power to determine how money shall be appropriated?
- Question 2: Shall Section 35 (2) of article IV of the Wisconsin constitution be created to prohibit the governor from allocating any federal moneys the governor accepts on behalf of the state without the approval of the legislature by joint resolution or as provided by legislative rule?
The campaign will include, but is not limited to radio ads, digital advertising, and grassroots engagement campaigns. Both WILL and IRG Action have strong followings in the state and can effectively mobilize their networks to act ahead of the August 13th election.
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