National Review | Walker’s Union Reforms Have Helped, Not Hurt, Wisconsinites

Five years after Act 10, WILL Vice President for Policy and Deputy Counsel CJ Szafir writes in National Review how Governor Walker’s reforms have saved taxpayers billions of dollars and empowered school and local government to manage their budgets, contrary to claims made by the Democrats running for president.

“Wisconsin taxpayers are seeing a clear benefit as well. To date, they have saved more than $5.24 billion as a result of Act 10, according to a study by the John K. MacIver Institute for Public Policy. This works out to about $2,291 per household in Wisconsin. It includes more than $3.36 billion saved by simply having state employees contribute a reasonable amount to their retirement, and $404.8 million more revenue for local governments thanks to small reforms such as competitively bidding out their employees’ health-insurance plans.”

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