Case Name: CRG Advocates, Inc. v. Alderman Russell W. Stamper, II
Type of Case: Open Records
Court: Milwaukee County Circuit Court
Case Number:
Filed On: October 30, 2018
Current Status: Complaint filed
Wisconsin law requires record custodians to fulfill record requests “as soon as possible and without delay.” Milwaukee Alderman Russell W. Stamper, II has failed to produce records requested in March and April of 2018.
CRG Advocates filed three simple record requests with Alderman Stamper: (1) the Alderman’s calendar; (2) phone records; and (3) emails containing a handful of words. The first two requests should have been fulfilled within a day, and the third shouldn’t have taken more than a week. Despite follow-up inquiries from CRG and their attorneys, Alderman Stamper has continued to ignore this request.
We filed suit to compel the release of the records.