Jul 30, 2018 | In the News
WILL Research Associate and Writer, Cori Petersen, writes in the Wall Street Journal on Washington’s failure to protect private property and help manage Wisconsin’s burgeoning wolf population: When the Trump administration announced a plan last week to...
Jul 30, 2018 | Center for Competitive Federalism, Press Releases, WILL News
Delisting wolves would be a win for federalism, property rights July 30, 2018 – MILWAUKEE WI – In case you missed it, over the weekend, WILL Writer and Research Associate Cori Petersen published an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal on the importance of delegating...
Jul 25, 2018 | In the News
Bruce Thompson, the Data Wonk, writes at UrbanMilwaukee on how judges associated with the Federalist Society are gaining prominence. Although five of the seven Wisconsin Supreme Court justices are conservative, two recent arrivals are particularly associated with the...
Jul 24, 2018 | Education Reform, ER Commentary, In the News
WILL’s CJ Szafir and Cori Petersen write at RealClearEducation on school choice and education reformers need to better target and message their advocacy to win converts and inform the public. We education reformers are a confident bunch. Armed with...
Jul 18, 2018 | Press Releases, WILL News
Foster care system in urgent need of reform as opioid crisis strains system July 18, 2018 – MILWAUKEE, WI – The Assembly Foster Care Task Force, chaired by Representatives Snyder and Doyle, recently completed their final report and submitted recommendations for...