WILL Statement on Recent SCOWIS Decision to Consider Original Action in Planned Parenthood Abortion Case

The News: The Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty (WILL) has issued a statement after the Supreme Court of Wisconsin has agreed to hear a case from Planned Parenthood that attempts to create a constitutional right to an abortion in Wisconsin.  
The Quotes: WILL Deputy Counsel, Luke Berg, stated, “As WILL has stated many times before, Wisconsin’s duly elected legislature and governor should go through the normal legislative process and create policy to govern abortion. No judge, justice, or lawyer should be creating policy for Wisconsinites out of thin air – yet that’s what is happening now. Wisconsin’s Supreme Court is making a historic mistake by even considering an original action in this case.” 
Additional Background: Earlier this year, Planned Parenthood asked the Supreme Court of Wisconsin (SCoW) to create a constitutional right to an abortion in Wisconsin. WILL believes ruling in favor of Planned Parenthood would embroil SCoW in the same mess of policy questions that Roe v. Wade created. We believe addressing this litany of questions should be reserved to the legislative process and a transparent debate from the state’s elected policy makers.  WILL represents a coalition of pro-life groups in this case and plans to file an Amicus ahead of oral arguments later this year.  
Luke Berg

Luke Berg

Deputy Counsel

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