WILL’s Legal Victory Will Protect Wisconsinites from Election Error & Fraud
The News: The Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty (WILL) won a major victory in defense of election integrity against the Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC) over the use of the National Mail Voter Registration Form (“the Form”). The lawsuit was filed on behalf of Wisconsin citizen, Rick Braun, and represents WILL’s efforts to protect Wisconsin elections – ensuring that government officials follow the law.
The Quote: WILL Deputy Counsel, Lucas Vebber, said, “WEC has notified the Court that it complied with the judge’s order to stop allowing use of the National Mail Voter Registration Form as a result of our win in court two weeks ago. WILL is proud to stand for the rule of law and secure this critical victory for election integrity.
Additional Background: The Court decided that use of the National Form to register a voter in Wisconsin is illegal because the Form had not been lawfully adopted for use in this state. The Court further enjoined WEC from issuing any guidance that the Form is approved for use in Wisconsin unless and until it is legally adopted; and ordered WEC to withdraw any existing guidance which purports to allow use of the Form, and to notify all municipal clerks that it may not be used going forward. The judge ordered WEC to issue an affidavit stating as such by Tuesday, September 19th and they complied Monday afternoon.
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