WILL and the Institute for Reforming Government (IRG) demand that the Secretary of State, Sarah Godlewski, fulfill a records request that has been pending for almost six months relating to the unusual circumstances surrounding her appointment.
Argue that record custodians must provide electronic copies of electronic records when requested
July 10, 2018 – Milwaukee, WI – On Monday, a coalition of five organizations from across the political spectrum filed an amicus brief in the Wisconsin Court of Appeals arguing that record ...
The Wisconsin State Journal weighs in on our dispute with State Representative Brostoff, urging a more open and less costly approach to government records.
We hope state Rep. Jonathan Brostoff has learned his lesson not to play politics with Wisconsin’s open records law.
And we urge ...
The CapTimes in Madison writes an editorial, declaring that policymakers must do a better job at keeping government open and transparent.
The cause of transparency in government — which is sustained by open records and open meetings laws — must always be above politics.
If this vital struggle ...
An editorial from the Racine Journal Times this weekend writes about our fight with State Representative Jonathan Brostoff over his refusal to provide electronic copies of records we had requested:
Wisconsin added another chapter to its litigious history of skirmishes with lawmakers over ...
Theo Keith at Fox6News covers our win in our open records lawsuit against State Representative Jonathan Brostoff:
Taxpayers will pay nearly $2,000 for Democratic state Rep. Jonathan Brostoff after he tried to charge a conservative group thousands of dollars to copy open records the group had ...