The so-called Efficiency Gap is often used to attack legislative maps, but relying on this statistical measure has major limitations according to WILL’s new report.
Recent court decision may cause government actors to withhold records. The News: The Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty (WILL) issued a policy brief that encourages the Wisconsin legislature to fix Wisconsin’s open records law, in light of a recent Wisconsin Supreme Court decision, to ...
As the cost of an average home in Wisconsin continues to rise to $240,000, the federal eviction moratorium is responsible for more than $3,000 of the increase, and the mortgage forbearance program is responsible for as much as $11,000.
New study finds Wisconsin has 161,000 restrictions in regulatory code. The News: A new study from the Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty (WILL) finds that the Wisconsin Administrative Code contains more than 161,000 restrictions, making Wisconsin the most regulated state on a per-capita ...
WILL is urging the adoption of curriculum transparency legislation to arm parents and taxpayers with the ability to access and review controversial curriculum material in public schools. WILL recently issued identical open records requests to nine large Wisconsin school districts and experienced, first-hand, the cost, time, and difficulty of accessing curriculum material.
This study estimates that spring 2020 school closures and incomplete curriculums could cost Wisconsin students more than $7 billion in lifetime earnings losses. The staggering cost serves as a stark warning about the effects of learning loss due to school building closures in the 2020-21 school year.