Study finds academic performance drops in math and English for schools that started 2020-21 school year closed.
The News: A new study from the Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty (WILL) finds that Wisconsin schools that closed for in-person learning to start the 2020-21 school year saw ...
New WILL policy brief offers three ways to immediately improve the report card
The News: The recent release of Wisconsin’s state report cards for individual districts and schools proved, once again, that the current composition of the report card is not doing enough to reveal the true state of ...
Will Flanders, Research Director
Wisconsin’s recently released state report cards for the 2020-21 school year paint a relatively rosy picture: 399 (out of 422) districts “Met”, “Exceeded”, or “Greatly Exceeded” expectations according to the data. But these report cards seem to be whistling ...
Federal lawsuit challenges authority of agency to issue sweeping emergency rule
The News: The Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty (WILL) sued the Biden administration in federal court, on behalf of two Wisconsin businesses, challenging the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s ...
WILL examines missing data to project true proficiency rates of “lost kids”
The News: A new policy brief from the Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty (WILL) finds that the large number of students who didn’t take the 2020-21 Forward Exam may have pushed the already low proficiency rates ...
Students in Wisconsin, and around the nation, have dealt with two school years that were largely disrupted by the coronavirus pandemic. Despite ample evidence that reopening schools was safe, teachers unions fought tooth-and-nail to keep doors shut; forcing students into virtual learning. The ...