Roth speaks about the growth and economic costs of licensing in Wisconsin
August 24, 2017 – Milwaukee, WI – Today, Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty’s Research Fellow, Collin Roth, testified on two occupational licensing reform bills at a hearing with Wisconsin Senate and Assembly Committees. WILL’s studies have demonstrated that, in the last 20 years, the number of license types in Wisconsin has grown by 84%. This growth in licensing regulations in the Badger State has resulted in lower employment, hindered opportunity, and costs to the economy.
AB 369/SB 288 proposes the creation of a Licensing Review Council to review and recommend reforms to occupational licensing. AB 370/SB 296 would create a self-certification registry with the Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services by providing the title “state certified” to an individual if they complete a certification through a private entity recognized by the state. DSPS would allow individuals in good standing with private accreditation entities for professions that are not currently licensed in Wisconsin to receive the “state certified” title.
From Roth’s testimony, “[O]ccupational licensing often carries a cost in terms of opportunity. Wisconsin has many licenses that other states do not. Our fees and training requirements, in some cases, are markedly different and more burdensome from other states. In terms of reciprocity, Wisconsin does not always accept the credentials of licensed professionals who happen to move from another state. In other words, Wisconsin’s licensing regime has costs for our worker – many who are of low and middle income – that do not exist in many other states.
“This all deserves scrutiny, careful examination, and in some cases a reevaluation. The costs of licensing deserve to be recognized and weighed against any claimed benefits.”
A copy of Roth’s testimony is available here.