February 21, 2017
[email protected]
MADISON, WISCONSIN – On February 22, the Judicial Crisis Network (JCN), a non-profit organization dedicated to strengthening liberty and justice in America, will host press conferences in eleven states calling on Senate Democrats to grant Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch an up-or-down vote and restore the Supreme Court to full membership.
Governor Scott Walker and Attorney General Brad Schimel are joining the effort with an event in Madison.
Who: Governor Scott Walker, Attorney General Brad Schimel, Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce president Kurt Bauer, Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty president Rick Esenberg
What: Press Conference calling on U.S. Senate Democrats to Confirm Supreme Court Nominee Gorsuch
When: Wednesday, February 22; 2:45PM
Where: Wisconsin State Capitol; Senate Parlor
The Judicial Crisis Network is dedicated to strengthening liberty and justice in America. Our operational mission is to promote this vision at every level and branch of government, and to educate and organize citizens to participate in this mission. To learn more, please visit: