WILL President and General Counsel, Rick Esenberg, joined Matt Rothschild of the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, and Mark Pitsch and Phil Brinkman both with the Wisconsin State Journal, to discuss legislative proposals to reform Wisconsin's election laws.
"“He said that he has been getting beat up by these attorneys and felt really beat up by Esenberg,” Falk wrote, apparently a reference to Rick Esenberg of the Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty, which was involved in the defense of some of the Doe targets."
Read the full article here.
"Rick Esenberg, president of the conservative Wisconsin Institute of Law and Liberty, said it’s typically easy to guess which groups or individuals contribute to issue advocacy groups on both sides of the aisle.
Esenberg also said Wisconsin lawmakers and regulators have failed to define ...
Rick Esenberg blogs at Shark and Shepherd: What Was Wrong With the Doe
"While Democrats are decrying the state Supreme Court decision, they ought to be relieved. It would have been short work for a Republican prosecutor to launch a similar probe into Democratic operatives. That would have ...
Rick Esenberg | Why the Conservative Justices Didn't Have to Recuse Themselves in the John Doe
"So for a Justice to be "biased" in favor of Club for Growth or the Greater Wisconsin Committee is to be biased in favor of the ideology they promote. That's not impermissible bias and does not ...
John Doe ruling illustrates why GAB reform is necessary, campaign finance laws need update
Milwaukee, WI - July 16, 2015 – Today, the Wisconsin Supreme Court ended the nearly five year long investigation into Governor Scott Walker and conservative organizations for alleged campaign finance ...