OCR investigation in response to WILL complaint will hopefully mean answers for families at the Sun Prairie Area School District, but parents and students will need to wait and see.
WILL demands a civil-rights investigation to enforce federal rights and confront the reality of dangerous policies, like the one in Sun Prairie, Wis.
The News: The Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty (WILL) filed a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education Office of Civil Rights ...
The News: Following the “Locker Room Incident,” in which an adult biological male showered naked with four freshman girls, the Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty (WILL) sought answers and filed a public records request for the school's locker room policy and other related documents. But ...
The unintended consequences of The Biden Administration’s changes to Title IX are playing out in school districts across the country, including right here in Wisconsin
The News: The Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty (WILL) is demanding answers and action from Sun Prairie Area School ...
District backs down after WILL challenged sexual harassment investigation spurred by “mispronouning” allegation
The News: The Kiel Area School District “closed” a Title IX complaint and investigation against three middle school boys who were accused of sexual harassment for using “incorrect ...
We live in a society where we resolve our differences by public debate and the rule of law. We do not resolve them by violence or threats of violence. The difference between our clients and the Kiel Area School District will be resolved through legal means.
As such, we unequivocally condemn ...