WILL seeks to protect “Catholic charter school” in critical first amendment case that underlies the national school choice debate happening in America.
Lawsuit is a part of WILL’s Preserving Democracy Project
The News: The Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty (WILL) has won a preliminary injunction on behalf of clients Tim and Megan Florek, against the City of Neenah for its unconstitutional sign ordinance. WILL’s lawsuit alleged that ...
No one should be “shut down” for speaking their mind at a school board meeting; WILL advises all school boards to protect the freedom of speech
The News: Today, in support of the First Amendment rights of citizens who speak up at school board meetings, the Wisconsin Institute for Law & ...
Quick hearing today reinforced First Amendment rights, yard sign to stay up while litigation moves forward
The News: U.S. District Judge William Griesbach held a hearing today on the Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty’s case against the City of Neenah, over an unconstitutional sign ...
City ordinance tramples on residents’ protected right to express opinion on yard sign
The News: The Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty (WILL) filed a federal lawsuit against the City of Neenah today on behalf of Tim and Megan Florek, challenging the constitutionality of the city’s sign ...
WILL pushes back against city silencing political opposition
The News: Over the past several weeks, the City of Neenah sent a number of “Notice of Violation” letters to residents, ordering them to remove signs opposing re-zoning efforts in the city. Today, on behalf of one of the families ...