WILL has helped lead the charge to roll back the illegal, harmful Obama policy Today, U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos officially rescinded a 2014 Obama-era “Dear Colleague” letter that was used to influence school suspension policies by threatening federal action if discipline policies ...
Last week, WILL, along with other conservative leaders across the country, sent a letter to US Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, urging her to rescind an Obama-era “Dear Colleague” letter on K-12 school suspension. In short, the Obama policy, which is still being enforced by DeVos, tells ...
Roger Clegg and Hans A. Von Spakovsky take a look at our letter to Secretary Betsy DeVos which urges her to scrap Obama-era suspension policy guidelines. The Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty (WILL), which does great work, has written U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos, urging her ...
Letter explains how Obama-era suspension policy violates federal law, must be rescinded June 12, 2018 - Milwaukee, WI – Today conservative leaders across the country sent a letter, to U.S. Department of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, explaining that the Obama-era “Dear Colleague” ...
School Choice Wisconsin, Hispanics for School Choice, el Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty, y el Wisconsin Federation for Children expresan optimismo de que la política nacional de educación se centrará en las oportunidades educativas para las familias de América 7 de febrero del ...
School Choice Wisconsin, Hispanics for School Choice, Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty, and Wisconsin Federation for Children express optimism that national education policy will center on educational opportunities for America’s families February 7, 2017 - Milwaukee, WI - A coalition ...