National Review & WILL – Fireside Chat with Rich Lowry

National Review and WILL invite you to a fireside chat with Rich Lowry for a timely and candid conversation. Please save the date and join us December 5th.
TIME: Cocktail hour begins at 5:00 pm with program following
WHERE: The Brookfield Conference Center
Featured Speaker

As one of the most respected conservative voices in the country, Rich Lowry brings his sharp analysis to the political discussion through his writing and commentary.
Lowry is the editor in chief of National Review, the nation’s premier conservative journal.
He was selected to lead NR by its founder, William F. Buckley. Under his guidance, it has grown from a print magazine into a vibrant digital property.
Lowry writes a syndicated column for King Features and a weekly column for Politico. He appears on TV programs such as Fox News Sunday and Meet the Press.
His most recent book — The Case for Nationalism: How It Made Us Powerful, United, and Free — makes the case for the enduring importance of nationalism.
He began his career as a research assistant for Charles Krauthammer.